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30 May 2008
i wake up at 6am, so early. i need to go sumwer.. huuh actually to my bro's upacara tamat bla bla bla ahah i dunno wat it was. my bro finish his rekrut thereee... here sum pics..

*sorry for the low quality pics n video ahahha*

n.. ahaha i hate eee... the *** company called me, but i was not there to answer the call... plz call me back... i need that job ahahha

WiTh , LeNg

29 May 2008
chakk!! wuhu so happy+sad cikit ahhaa
finishhh my TP........
done my speech ahah simple goes like this "hello....i would like to say tank you to the principle and all the techers 4 giving us this opportunity teaching here. thanks also 4 all the nasihat, tunjuk ajar, at least kami merasa cana jadi cigu, n i would like to say sorry kalau ada salah silap.. hmm a2 ja x tq " huhu

then we makan2 after makan2 i go to my primary 2 class, to say gud bye to themm.. huhu
i gave them each a chokulate ahah then i took pictures of them..

all primary 2A

the girls..

the boyss



gangster in the class

huhu, after takin pics, i say to them that i will b gone forever*over* ahha den they pujuk2, jgn balik bah tcr... bleee ahah tak ku rela...

-+-+-+-special thanks for my CT 4 giving me the present~ huhu-+-+-+

mee.. after got back frm skoll, happpy face aha


WiTh , LeNg

28 May 2008
yesss itz 29th May.. important date ne ahaha

we, dprimed'an final year finish our TP!!!! yeaaa no more lesson plan, no mare yelling, no more kids ahaha

im sooo semangat this morning ahha.. feel very fresh n ntah iski kan mau abiz ahaha

yesterday 1 of the teacher ask us to make a speech.. ahah speech????? not gud at that!!!!!

well in the end i dun make any.. just antam krg ahaha say thank you to bla bla bla ahaha

the school make a jamuan for us.. aww soo nice ahah k later i update moreee


WiTh , LeNg

27 May 2008
1 more day..
well.. i have i more day ere at this skull.. getting lazyy ahaha.. bored... n sleppy..

i over slept this morning.. ahah dtg aher heh..

got nating to do here so bored n dizzy~~

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WiTh , LeNg

update BeaN!!
ohh look2 daunnya rimbun~~~ ahaha

lookk.... got fruit udahhh!!! ahaha

c how big it is!!!!


WiTh , LeNg

26 May 2008
2 days
hmm yesterday i slept around 4-5pm... then i woke up att.... 8pm!!!! gagaga heh
then i do my work.. do this.. do that.. type thiss type that.. print this.. print that...
i do my work till 2 am wahaha
then got nating to do, just lying on my bed, c8ing, till 4 am gagaga
then i juz doze opp gagag

woke up at 6am, felling bit sleppy, have to force myself ahaha, iron my bju kurong, then have shower, prepare myself, pack all my thingss then
go downstair, start the car, then vroom to school
aaha arrived at 7am.

quickly i do something that have to b done, write this, write that, mark this, mark that,
then i have class at 7.30 suppose to b, but i start at 7.40 wahahah so mlsss
teach2 vla bla bla, ask2, write2, stick this stick that, then give classwork heh

after that go to staffroom, open my lappy, do anyting that have to do

well just to make it short, im preettyy bored.. sleppy, no mood gagaga

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WiTh , LeNg

The rose color meanings for these 3 are as follows:
  • The specific purpose of purple roses is to signify that the giver has fallen in love with the recipient at first sight.
  • Meanwhile, coral and orange roses signal desire.
  • The meaning of yellow roses is joy and friendship.
  • We express our gratitude and appreciation with pink roses....
  • While feelings of admiration and sympathy find words with roses that are light pink in color.

  • Peach is more ambiguous, as it can signify either sympathy or gratitude.
  • Their purity naturally enough lends to white roses the meaning of reverence and humility.
there are lots more actually.. even the numbers of roses also have its meaning.
and this is called black magic roses.. its actually a deep..very deep red in colour..
and what the different with red rose heh?? ahhaa


WiTh , LeNg

25 May 2008
hot for teacher
chakkk!!!!!!!! huhu i bought a dvd called hot for teacher, ahah the moveii is soo cali n xxx gagaga
terkejutzzz cetanya cematu heh...

well3 3 more dayssss to abiz TP yeeeeeeehhhhhh....... lalalala~~~ huhu


WiTh , LeNg

21 May 2008
Devy Bday..
here sum pic on dat day.. happy dayy.. &&
FYI he is the first man that receive roses from me gaga.. *kes duno wat to give.. so give roses ja*


WiTh , LeNg

man.. 1 week more to go.. then i finish my TP!!

its a good news for me.. i dun need to teach all the monkeys again..
no need to stress myself thinking what activities to do with them.. no more lesson plann,,,
guess what..... im in my holiday mood already gagaga.. yup.. got no more energy to teach them

i will be full time unemployed.. gagaga.. where to find $$$ heh?????
i need $$$$$$.... especialy now!!! aha where is that damn allowence?????? so damn broke~~~

plz.. anybody who r kind enuf.. bagi deh ku duit ahahaha

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WiTh , LeNg

20 May 2008

in soooo bored heh.. counting.. 1 more weekss.. yehahhhh.. yeah2.. lumpat2 gagaga


WiTh , LeNg

19 May 2008
pink, its a colour.. mostly associated wif girl.. most girl like pink..



ohh well wat can i do my layoutsss ada kaler pink ahaha i like da background jerrr


WiTh , LeNg

14 May 2008
im DONE!!!!!!!!!!


happy coz finish kna observe...........

sad coz of my gradeeeeeee

hateeeeee TPPPPP


WiTh , LeNg

13 May 2008
update bean ahaha

nahh new pic of the bean huhuu


WiTh , LeNg

06 May 2008
wahaha keganasan..
wuhuu.. aku benci..benci.. pada diri nya~~~ aahaha

ku melakukan satu keganasan terhadap tut.. huhuh

bah batah eyyy kan abiz ney...

count down : 23 daysss

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WiTh , LeNg

04 May 2008
back to normal~
my timetable change back to normal one.. kan abiz udah bah barutah kan tukar balik.. uwek2 ahaha.. well3.. tired kue..

my voice lawa udah.. hahaha kalah suara ella ney.. dpt nyanyi lagu rock udah ahaha.. my high note also improve.. makin bagus.. aggaa.. keh got some thinks to do krg.. grrrr

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WiTh , LeNg

03 May 2008
lame weekend!
no mood to my my lesson plans ee... i hate it bah..
i lost my lesson plan mojo.. gagaga
well counting down the days~~ 20+ days to goo...


WiTh , LeNg

02 May 2008
been so long~~
wuhu.. im backk!!!!arghhh paning gue ehhh..
can't wait 4 this tp 2 b done!!!!!! wahahah bth e
i wana die.. ahah emosi gtoh..


WiTh , LeNg


Name: LeNg
Age: 21
u dun have to noe much =)


The Memories
MarCh 08
ApRiL 08
May 08
JuNe 08
JuLy 08
AuGusT 08
SepTemBer 08
OcToBer 08
NoVeMbeR 08
DeCemBer 08
JanuaRy 09
feBruary 09
MaRcH 09
ApRiL 09
MaY 09