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27 June 2008
the picsssss

WiTh , LeNg

22 June 2008
congratz to the newly wedd

june, 22nd...

important date for a couple... they finally tie the knot today... soo congratulation to them

hope u guys live happily ever after together.....

i went around 9.15 from home, then fetch poupee at her house.. then we went straight to UBD to meet our other friend.....
from UBD we went to the dewan muhhibah... arrived there around 11 i tink...

went in, we have special seats for us.. gahhh ahahah

then lama2 bnyk org dtg...

then the pengantin keluar around at 12+... they look pretty.. gahhh ahhaa

mkn2 then take pics wif the pengantin... hee.. there r also live performances from maria and the seed... so nice.....

/////// pics of the plamin and the bride n groom//////

***will upload more pics after i get the pics from mark gaga***

after that, kan balik.. then mark said ia mau hangout.. sooo.. kami pun ke mall... wif our baju kurung.. n high heelsss!!! ahahaha

there we look for things... jln2 which make my leg hurt... nyeh.. then balik laaa...

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WiTh , LeNg

19 June 2008
out and about~~
june 19th, thursday.....

as usual, go yo work.. then we did the half day thingy again ahhaha.. shhh... jgn gto urg ahhh

me n pop went to gdg, hangout wif our friends thereeee aha.... jln2.. look for sum stuff...heh.. buy some stuff.....

me and pop as usual... fooling around, laughing out loud... gaga who cares.............

no pics taken laa... nda ingat.. we r so happy ahaha k then ..

im tireddddddddd

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WiTh , LeNg

18 June 2008
visit from 'the boss'
as usual... ahaha i go to work a bit early.. ahhaa sal ada 'boss' dtg gagaga

sampi at the school, i do my work.. mcm biasa... ahah c pop also dtg awal.. so not like her.. but terkana 'boss' kan dtg awal cia ahahha

then 'boss' dtg around 11+ i tink.. she check our work... ahaha

minta our previous work.... she ada jua tagur2 our work lau slh.. ahah she ask us atleast smpaikan 300 books.. kami nda pernah smpai 300.. yg paling bnyk pun 200+ gagga.. bnyk lah ia tnya ... diri dblakg leat us do our work ahahha

then she left b4 12... then me and pop wait 4 awhile.. then jln to buy some food.. we were so lapar ahaha.. then after that we mkn at library.. nyahahha

then we do our work mcm biasa.. smpai kn 300 books ahaha

then balik around 3pm heee

taaadaaa that it ahhaa

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WiTh , LeNg

16 June 2008
fooling around~~
heh.. today juz like any day... ordinary dayyy.. ahaa

like usual..go to work..

then like around 11.30.. i lapar~~~ poupee also lapar~~~ ahaha so we need to buy food outside..coz its still skul holiday.. kantin nda buka ahaha

we go around the KG.. no hope for food..lol

the last resort is @ **** place gaga

we went there.. we park the car

we go and check the food

then while the indon bungkusing our food.. ahah

i ask pop "r u sure this is **** place?"

ahaha "ia jua ne"

"bkn yg sbalah kn?"

"eh awu ah! ahah slh tmpt tani ne. nmpk krg c **** ehhhh"

ahah then we go inside the car quickly.. then go to poupee's house

lucky us.. that c **** is not around his place ahahhaha

@ pop's house we eat2, after that we watch dvd.. forgot the title.. sumting horror.. its an indonesian comedy story ahaha.. i like ee the story...

k that ollll tata~

malaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahahahhaaha

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WiTh , LeNg

14 June 2008
ordinary day
er.. nating much happen lately..

today was just rather normal and ordinary day.. woke up.. then get dressed up for work..
drive to work, then quickly do my work, take this, take that, scan this, scan that, type this, type that.. wuhuuu

today i work only for half day..*there is no half day actually, we made it ourself a.k.a escape ahaha*
today plan actually wana dgani c poupee go to moe, ada urusan there ahah. but the plan slightly change... her sis in law minta dgani cek sumting ahah.. soooo

i park my car at her house then ikut her sis in law ler.. we go to moe first, then to sumwer i dunno the name ahhaa.... after that we go around qlap, gdg, a other places to look for sumting ahaha

reach back her house around 4.30.. then i go straight home......

soo that my typical day ahahaa

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WiTh , LeNg

10 June 2008
nating to do~~~
im super boared!!!!!!!!!!!

hmm nating much happen past few days...
we met our old teacher, tcr irene, tcr normala dan others.. ahaha

k dats ol... ahaha tata~~


WiTh , LeNg

07 June 2008
M I A *missing in action*
do yaalll miss me??? ahaha itzz been few days didnt bloggin heh.. been so bz~~ *bz apa nya ahaha* lazy mehh... got nating to blog bah...

ok... hmm.. today i go to s**** skull... working there.. me and pop's last day working there ahaha... its raining from the morning.... so cold... ahaha

nating much happen,... juz wen me, pop and nur*our working mate* went to have our breakfast at the skul's kantin.. me n pop saw somebody familiar.. ahaha somebody dat we want to run away from.. somebody that we wish we would not see her.. gagaga.. it our x a-maths tcr *my x classmates sure noe who she is kan??? let me give a clue.."ada marker ka rah muka tcr??" ahaha doz it ring a bell?????* ok... she also heading to the kantin larrrr.. ahaha me n pop was hoping that she dont recognise uss....

den after we order our food there... she called me!!!!! ahhaa waving her hand to me!!!!! why me!!!! hahahaha...
then she ask "apa kamu buat dsini bnr nya kn?"
me say "ahh kraja part tyme"
she said "ohh iaka kraja apa?"
me "data collecting clerk"
she "dmana?"
me "d library"
she "ohh ok.. siuk e... masa zaman tcr dulu manada nee.. ok tcr curious ja"

ahah then i go laaa to seat wif pop.. aha thinking does she noe me? still remember me? ahaha watever........

today also me n pop leaving the school for good!!! ahahahha.. we r posted 2 our old schoollll... awww so nice la to b back there ahah...

me n pop finish our work early, we want to pack our things.. "our" pcs ahaha.. i tell u... itss not easy to carry the pc.. so heavy.. pc lama lah d kata kan ahahaha... then we went to our old school then there we need to carry the pcs upstair!! to the library.. we have to climb the stupid spiral staris... *merumit kan aja agaga*

after that we balik laa.. jus leave the things there.. on monday we will continue our job ahaha.. heh ok thats old

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WiTh , LeNg

04 June 2008
1st day at work
huhu.. yesterday i went for interview, i tagged poupee along coz i duno where is the place exactly... ahakzzz... after the interview, like 25 mins later, the company called me... they said that i can start working today... juz go to the scholl.. @ 8.30.. nyehh what a waste of credit... ahha why not juz tell me after the interview? hehh??? ahaha

so today.. my first day at work... same school wif poupee's then the job is not so hard laaa..
fun also meeehhh.. gaaaaa...

here sum pics

& gud lucks 2 poupee for her scholarship's interview tomorrow~~

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WiTh , LeNg

01 June 2008
got the call!!

wake at 7.30, coz i need 2 see my supervisor, to hand in my LP... after that i need to do my clearence... huahaha

then after i finish meeting wif my SP, the ** company called me~~ i got the call.. huhu tomorrow interview @ 9.45 nyehhh ahah minta dgani ajah pop krg takut sasat huhu..

bh thats ol.. got nating to do heh


WiTh , LeNg

picnic wif studentss
oho.. today.. me and my other tp geng buat picnic wif our students... each bagi $20 for collection...

start @10am... ada rintangan jua lah *cannot find where was my geng agaga* then reach there.. usai2 some of them udah start mandi ahaha... as usual lah apa we do at every picnic aha here sum picsss


swimming n make sand castle

tadaa sand castle... me n ain.. my face so red heh

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WiTh , LeNg


Name: LeNg
Age: 21
u dun have to noe much =)


The Memories
MarCh 08
ApRiL 08
May 08
JuNe 08
JuLy 08
AuGusT 08
SepTemBer 08
OcToBer 08
NoVeMbeR 08
DeCemBer 08
JanuaRy 09
feBruary 09
MaRcH 09
ApRiL 09
MaY 09