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28 September 2008
Outing wif friends
Hye.. Yesterday *27th sep* was a very tiring day.. Ar0und 10am i br0ught my m0m to buy stuff at pekan tut0ng.. Went h0me ar0und 12.30.. Heh.. Then at the same day i planned 2 hang0ut wif my friends, i t0ld p0pi that i'll b leaving ar0und 1.15.. Then arrived at her h0use..jln 2 lambak to one of our friend's h0use.. Relaxing there and trying to find a place 4 sungkai..seems like all restaurant r b0oked.. Haha but they really2 want to eat at Laa Mee..so they said we jus have to wait laa..ar0und 7 jln sna.. So in the meantime we jln2 to yayasan.. L0oking ar0und..taking pics.. They sungkai wif water ja.. Sanggup jua to kaan haha.. Afterthat at 7 we went 2 gdg..trying to find place to park.. The jln ke LaaMee.. Mkn2 we jln 2 jaya.. S0me interesting thing happen there.. Afterthat went 2 Mall..lo0king ar0und.. Memalui.. Joking ar0und wif them.. Then ar0und 9 jln 2 jaya again.. G0t sumting 2 buy..haha then trus blik..antar c acum..haha den plan kan bgmbr at nbt..there jmpa decy'sis and her c8rs.. Say hy..then bgmbrr haha we spent our time smpai kul 12 ne bh dsna..haha bceta2 mengenang kisah lalu..aseh haha k thats oll..

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WiTh , LeNg

26 September 2008
New step in life

Few days ago.. Wednesday to be exact i got a call from JSS telling me to get my taklimat letter there... so yesterday i went there wif my mom n sis... i'll having my taklimat on 30th sep.. will be seeing my coursemate there!!! ahaha reunion!! hehe.. ok im excited wif this taklimat thingy.. mean that i'll be working soon... gagaga so now trying to enjoy my holidays b4 i start my work life.. and i wonder where will i b posted???? ahah temburong?? OMG that so far like far from home... belait???? that far jua... BSB? so so tutong?? much better ahaha.. well doesn't matter where.. will try something new... try new things.. not all have the opportunity to teach in temburong! ahah


ok ok... aha go to other story... on 24th sep my sis in law gave birth to a baby girl... cute baby girl like her aunty ahahaha.... new additional in the family and new chaos in the house ahaha.. juz Imagen 1 year after... wooohhh ahaha

here their current pics

This is amy... turn 3 in december

this is indut aha.. age 1yr 4months

and here the new one~ aha age 3 days aha

see.. all of them r cute like me *lol*

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thats what happen to my life recently,,, ahah nating much.. jus the same everyday.... wake up...sleep.. eat.. tv... more slepp... ahaha lastnite dinner/sungkai out wif ehem.. ahah kana lanjaa~ wuuu..mkn smpai knyg... kfc n dimsum my fav! ahahha then tumoroo plan to sungkai out wif popes and gangs.. ahah part of my "enjoy my holiday" plan...

soo thats all.. tata~


WiTh , LeNg

20 September 2008
Sh0op till i dr0p
H0lla peeps!!
Today me and my mum and sis and ankbuah, amy went 2 qlap.. I want to take my charger there and tarus sh0pping!! Hehe we jln ar0und 10.30.. And s0meting interesting happen otw 2 qlap.. Haha while i was driving at the highway.. I saw a car parked at the side of the r0ad..nating unusual b0ut that la.. But we came cl0ser to the car (n0t driving fast just ar0und 80km/h) we saw a guy standing next to his car..and i was w0ndering wat he up to.. And.. Sh0ckingly that guy was pee'ing!! Next to his car!! At the highway!! Haha my mum said "y0h! Bkamih urg a2, buduh x kamih siring jln, cubata msuk lam utan tu" haha and my sis said "mcm kuyuk kamih pat tayar keta" ahaha! Ok.. L0ok like this man nda pmalu o he was to0 desperate haha!
ok then after i t0ok my charger.. We went 2 jaya.. B0ught s0me cl0thes there.. Then go 2 gaint.. B0ught s0me f0od there.. Then went 2 1st emp0rium at jerud0ng.. We arrievd home ar0und 3.30~ and my legs hurt so bad rite n0w.. Haha k later~

WiTh , LeNg

05 September 2008
The interview
Ehem.. Juz wana share wat happen on 3rd sep..
I w0ke up ar0und 7.30, hv breakfast,shower,bla..bla..bla.. @ 8.3o i leave the h0use.. My intrview was @ 10am.. So im afraid dat im g0ing 2 b late.. Jln awal ler.. den ar0und rimba my fren msg asking wer im dat tym.. T0ld her dat im ar0nd rimba.. Den i arrived at jss ar0und 9.20.. I msg my fren asking wer she were..she t0ld me dat she ab0ut 2 jln frm her h0use at lmbk.. So i wait..n wait.. Anxi0usly.. I did msg her few tyms haha.. Ok den i t0ld her dat i'll wait her at the gr0nd fl0r.. I l0ok at the time.. OMG! Its alm0st 9.45.. Haha so i called her.. She t0ld me she alm0st there.. Then there she is..haha we quickly go 2 4th fl0or, smpat g ceta2 wif yg sdh kna intrview tue.. G0t in the r0om.. Saw 4 of my fellow klasmate haha.. Already start on their written test.. So we were given a questi0n ppr n a f0olscap ppr.. The time given was 30min to finish the essay.. Haha so i do my thing.. *membual* haha rite after i finish my essay t0ok 15min, one of the staff said im next.. Wat?? Haha wat ab0ut the 30min? I juz g0t here!! Haha ok go hell with it.. g0t in the r0om scared.. N itz kinda funny that im n0t very nerv0us dat tym.. I hv my chitchat wif the pegawai2.. H0pe they understand wat im saying haha i juz antam.. Wahaha.. I finish my intrview ar0und 10.3o.. N0t lyke wat i imagine.. T0t i wud take al0t of tym waiting f0r my turn haha.. Keh datz ol.. Gudluck 2 who ever hving their intrview s0on haha

WiTh , LeNg


Name: LeNg
Age: 21
u dun have to noe much =)


The Memories
MarCh 08
ApRiL 08
May 08
JuNe 08
JuLy 08
AuGusT 08
SepTemBer 08
OcToBer 08
NoVeMbeR 08
DeCemBer 08
JanuaRy 09
feBruary 09
MaRcH 09
ApRiL 09
MaY 09