Ehem.. Juz wana share wat happen on 3rd sep..
I w0ke up ar0und 7.30, hv breakfast,shower,bla..bla..bla.. @ 8.3o i leave the h0use.. My intrview was @ 10am.. So im afraid dat im g0ing 2 b late.. Jln awal ler.. den ar0und rimba my fren msg asking wer im dat tym.. T0ld her dat im ar0nd rimba.. Den i arrived at jss ar0und 9.20.. I msg my fren asking wer she were..she t0ld me dat she ab0ut 2 jln frm her h0use at lmbk.. So i wait..n wait.. Anxi0usly.. I did msg her few tyms haha.. Ok den i t0ld her dat i'll wait her at the gr0nd fl0r.. I l0ok at the time.. OMG! Its alm0st 9.45.. Haha so i called her.. She t0ld me she alm0st there.. Then there she is..haha we quickly go 2 4th fl0or, smpat g ceta2 wif yg sdh kna intrview tue.. G0t in the r0om.. Saw 4 of my fellow klasmate haha.. Already start on their written test.. So we were given a questi0n ppr n a f0olscap ppr.. The time given was 30min to finish the essay.. Haha so i do my thing.. *membual* haha rite after i finish my essay t0ok 15min, one of the staff said im next.. Wat?? Haha wat ab0ut the 30min? I juz g0t here!! Haha ok go hell with it.. g0t in the r0om scared.. N itz kinda funny that im n0t very nerv0us dat tym.. I hv my chitchat wif the pegawai2.. H0pe they understand wat im saying haha i juz antam.. Wahaha.. I finish my intrview ar0und 10.3o.. N0t lyke wat i imagine.. T0t i wud take al0t of tym waiting f0r my turn haha.. Keh datz ol.. Gudluck 2 who ever hving their intrview s0on haha
, LeNg