ola.. its been a while..
today as usual.. go to work.. but there's sumting different bout today..
today i actually enjoy my class.. haha! the whole day.. i enjoy my lesson.. even my pupils.. we r happy family today.. no family crisis..
dari awal sudah tu i was happy semacam.. lol even the guru there ask napa ko happy2 ne.. erk..
then i very semangat mengajar..i do this i do that.. out from lesson plan ku.. LOL! i dun care.. my ideas pop out from nowhere.. tym i buat LP tu i in malas mood.. hahaha!
then balik rumah.. then i saw sumting on the table.. sumting i've been waiting for!! sumting that make me worried sick the past few days.. hahaha!
in conclusion.. today is my happy day =D
, LeNg